S3FOOD voucher project FEB - Food production Efficiency Booster

Submitted by Veerle De Graef on 13 October 2020

More efficiency, less downtime – through smart data management

Resource efficiency and maximum production uptime are top priorities for food manufacturers. Led by Hungarian REACH Solutions, the FEB project aims to support both these goals by validating a smart data management system that is designed to log all events, including errors, warnings and messages, sensor states and drive parameters via logical controllers. Using this data, the system can identify production anomalies, enable root-cause analysis and optimise component usage.If successful, the data management system will increase effective production time from 6.5 hours to 7 hours per shift, reduce energy consumption by 4% and cut waste due to improper packaging by 8%.

REACH Solutions is collaborating with Goodmills Ltd to overcome issues with downtime and quality. The goal is to increase the mill’s current OEE from 75% to 80% through more organised maintenance and downtime prediction. Óbuda University is also supporting this project with expertise.

Duration: 9 months  01/09/2020 - 31/05/2020

Voucher type: Validation

Funded SME:  

Country: Hungary

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.

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