S3FOOD voucher project iPreP - Integrated pH regulation and process data monitoring
Better meat, more transparency – with real-time monitoring
pH and temperature are critical parameters in the production of poultry meat. This project aims to demonstrate the potential for digital monitoring of poultry scalding to improve product quality, reduce waste and save time while increasing the transparency and traceability of production.
The findings will support the development of a wider concept for real-time digital control and regulation where a broad spectrum of digital data sources are recorded and analysed. Deep process insights will help define specific performance indicators and enable retrospective analysis. Calavatis, the SME applicant, uses Steinhaus Informationssysteme as external expert.
Duration: 4 months 01/09/2020 - 31/12/2020
Voucher type: Exploration
Funded SME: Calavatis GmbH www.calvatis.com
Country: Germany
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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