S3FOOD Voucher project MASSNOX - modified atmosphere smart big bags for flour-producing factories
Keeping flour safe in big bag storage
Long-term storage of flour products requires constant monitoring to safeguard quality and prevent infestation by insects, mould development and microbiological spoilage. With the MASSNOX project, the objective is to develop a conditioning and monitoring system for reliable flour storage in a new generation of reusable, modified atmosphere big bags. The idea is to enable real-time monitoring of the concentration of gas inside the big bags during storage. This is key to safe storage as gas concentrations may vary, even inside hermetically sealed bags. NOX has developed the big bags that will be used in the project and will draw on the support of LAAS-CNRS, Insecto-Net IAA, HEC Incubator and MIT.
Duration: 4 months 01/09/2020 - 31/12/2020
Voucher type: Exploration
Funded SME: NOX STORAGE - https://noxstorage.com
Country: France
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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