S3FOOD voucher project Mobile Cobots for Flexible Food Production
Bakery robots take on the heavy work
Monotonous and heavy work in the bakery makes it increasingly difficult to find employees. But traditional automation is too costly and inflexible when production only runs for a few hours a day. This project aims to overcome the challenge by installing mobile cobots in Marien bakery that can perform a range of tasks at various workstations. Apart from providing a cost-efficient digital alternative to heavy manual tasks, the improved process control will increase food safety and reduce food waste. It will also generate jobs that are more attractive to bakery operators.
The project partners are F. van Wees Machine- en Stansmessenfabriek Waalwijk BV, an expert in digital technologies and automation integration in food production lines, and Mariën Bakkerij Producten N.V.
Duration: 12 months 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2020
Voucher type: Application
Funded SMEs:
- F. van Wees Machine- en Stansmessenfabriek Waalwijk BV - https://www.vanweeswaalwijk.nl/
- Mariën Bakkerijproducten - http://www.marienbakkerijproducten.com/
Countries: The Netherlands & Belgium
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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