S3FOOD voucher project SmartPacker – computer vision for automated fruit sorting and packing
Taking the labour out of packing fruit
Fruit packing is usually a labour-intensive process associated with high costs, inconsistent packing quality and increasing difficulties with finding workers. To overcome these challenges, there is a need for a machine that can automate the packing of apples or pears in trays.
This explorative project will build new knowledge about suitable computer vision and image processing technologies for inspecting fruit quality on a rotating station, positioning fruit in the right direction and transporting it to the tray.
Lead SME, Stas NV will work with technology experts at Sirris to evaluate the technologies and identify possible solutions to meet fruit packing needs. The objective is to create a solid starting point for discussing the development of an automated packer with a relevant technology partner.
Duration: 4 months 01/09/2020 - 31/12/2020
Voucher type: Exploration
Funded SME: Stas NV - http://www.stasbelgium.be/node/35
Country: Belgium
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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