SAVE THE DATE! Space for Sea - How Earth Observation services can benefit European companies?
It is our pleasure to invite you to the second IDEEO event "Space for Sea - How Earth Observation services can benefit European companies?"
The event will take place from the 21-22 November, Brest, France.
More information will be out soon.
If you have any questions please contact: philippe.monbet [at] (Philippe Monbet)
About IDEEO:
the IDEEO project is funded under the COSME Cluster Go International action. The consortium is coordinated by the EARSC and composed of 2 sectorial clusters Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France) and Cluster Lucano di Bioeconomia (Italy).
The overarching objective of the IDEEO project is the creation of a new European partnership which will promote internationally the use of European Earth Observation capability in different sectors such as marine, agriculture, energy etc.
If you are a cluster interested in IDEEO's objective, please contact rory.donnelly [at] (Rory Donnelly)
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