Second B2B event within GIVE project - Tirana, Albania
The second B2B event within the Green ICT Development (GIVE) project was held at Protik ICT Center in Tirana, Albania on 21-22 February 2019. The event was organized by AITA (Albanian ICT Association) where more than 40 people - project partners, represenatives of other organizations and companies from ICT, automotive and green tech sector coming from 6 different countries were present. The main goal of the event was networking at the national and regional level among the companies and clusters.
The event was opened by Mr. Dritan Mezini, Executive Director, AITA Albania as host partner in the project. Also, in the opening session Mrs. Romina Kostani from NAIS (National Agency of Information Society) presented e-Albania, a useful tool for the citizens and businesses, as well as opening speech Mr. Genc Celi from AIDA (Albanian Investment and Development Agency). Later on, during the event the GIVE project and the project activities were presented by Ms. Anna Naydenova, project manager of GIVE and Executive Director of ICT Cluster Bulgaria and Mr. Andrei Kelemen. Executive Director, Cluj IT Cluster.
In the second session Mr. Saimir Baci talked about his experience as Lead Research Engineer & Project Manager at Vehicle Automation/Volvo Group AB with focus on the topic “AI in Automotive Industry”.
The session ended with presentation of the project “Tirana Last Mile”, by Mrs. Loreta Hysa, Administrator Mr. Florian Voko, Project Manager. In the last session short presentation by the clusters and companies were held ending the event with B2B meetings between the participants.
The event was also streaming live though couple of videos available at the Tirana Last Mile YouTube channel. Stay up to date with all the future activities within the project by following the GIVE Facebook page and GIVE LinkedIn group. The next GIVE B2B event will be organized on 16-17 April 2019 in Riga, Latvia.