SMEs in front of the USA entrepreneurs and researchers at Healthtronics EU-USA Bridge, Jan. 18-19, 2022
The virtual economic mission Healthtronics EU - USA Bridge organized on January 18 - 19, 2022, gave international exposure to European SMEs operating in electronics (printed, embedded) and new technologies applied to health and wellbeing sectors.
The purpose of this economic mission is to bring together groups and members of clusters in Europe with US stakeholders and clusters, to exchange best practices, to find new markets for their products and to identify partners for projects.
This event was an opportunity for the 119 registered participants representing 57 organizations from 14 countries - nine European, the USA, and other 4 non-UE nor USA - to present ideas, and generate fresh leads in a time and a cost-efficient way.
On the first day during the 2-hours pitching session, 10 pre-selected companies, European SMEs members of the five clusters in the partnership of the project, have presented their products.
The second day was dedicated to directly connecting the pitching companies and other participants. The 43 B2B meetings that took place have been pre-scheduled using the matchmaking premises of the virtual platform where the event was hosted -
ARANET – Riga, Latvia.
Aranet offers industrial IoT environmental monitoring solutions for a multitude of settings, making it easy to collect and analyze real-time data. Their Aranet4 air-quality-sensor estimates CO2 levels, atmospheric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity and allows for the maintenance of healthy, breathable air. (
CONNCONS – Radebeul, Germany.
The company catalyzes the infusion fluid consumable industry, by introducing smart connectors as a platform technology. Their connected infusion systems provide safer outcomes for patients, simplify work for medical professionals and decrease operational costs for hospitals
DDS DIAGNOSTIC – Bucharest, Romania.
Specializes in micro- and nano- technologies, electrochemistry, and biosensors, especially selective biochips with portable analyzers for assessment of diseases like insulin-resistant metabolic syndrome, T-Lymphocyte count and early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. (
LIGHTSPACE 3D - Marupe, Latvia.
The first multi-focal VR/AR eyewear headsets use multiple screens for eye accommodation that comes as close to natural viewing as possible. Named by the company “Optical Reality”, the AR/VR headset can overlay photorealistic, real-time patient data, enhancing the viewer’s ability to diagnose, treat, and perform high-precision surgery. (
MEDMETRIC AI – Olsztyn, Poland.
It has developed the Syntax score, and AI-enabled angiographic grading tool to determine the complexity of coronary artery disease. By using the unique capability of automatic visual interpretation of the artery tree, the software is able of an automatic tracking of critical artery regions, enabling simultaneous observation of chosen regions from all of the views acquired during the examination, which introduces unprecedented improvement of visual assessment of artery tree lesions. (
NovaSpider, Nadetech’s 3D Multifunction Bioprinter revolutionizes novel biologics like neo-cartilage formation, dual-scale anisotropic scaffolds and electroconductive cardiac patches. (
ORELTECH – Berlin, Germany.
It produces nanoparticle-free conductive inks that are metallized by a plasma process and can be processed by inkjet, aerosol spray and other printing methods. The inks are used in medical components like electrodes and sensors. ( ).
P-SYSTEMS – Gdansk, Poland
It develops dedicated, often “tailor-made” IT solutions. Medical 4.0 is a Medical Data Management System for Hospitals that provides an easy way to introduce, create, and design an electronic case report form (eCRF), with intelligent data entry. It simplifies effective management of all stages of a clinical trial. (
It produces a smell detector chip (Smell iX16) that is affordable and compact. It’s 100x more sensitive and lighter than traditional smell detectors and uses less energy; it’s easily integrated into wearables and IoT Lifestyle Products. (
Cutting-edge proprietary clinical grade software, tailored to pathology; it achieves results on par with experts with an accuracy beyond current standards. One of their products is a plug-and-play AI solution to detect the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis in whole slide tissue images of tissue. (
For both European and USA stakeholders, this event was a gate to international co-operations, to meet innovative early-stage technology entrepreneurs, to diversify their intervention markets, and to support the next generation of Medtech innovation in Europe.
The organizers of the economic mission were ROHEALTH – The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster (Romania) in partnership with the European Consortium of the NE4HEALTH project - New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing and Massachusetts Innovation Network in the United States of America.
The NE4HEALTH - New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing project consortium is formed by 5 European Clusters activating in the fields of electronics (printed, embedded) technologies applied to health and wellbeing sectors, which are aiming to enhance partnerships between clusters and their members and Third Targeted Countries Clusters (TTCs).
The five clusters partners in the project are:
- Functional Print Cluster - FUNCPRINT SPAIN -
- Organic Electronics Saxony - OES Germany -
- ROHEALTH - The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster in Romania, Romania -
- Interizon Foundation - INTERIZON, Poland -
- LETERA Cluster - Latvian Electronics and Electrical engineering cluster, Latvia -