SpaceWave consortium met the Si-Cluster in Greece
SpaceWave consortium meets M. Jorge SANCHEZ, President of the Greek Space Technologies and Applications Cluster (Si-Cluster), on December, 13th 2018.
SpaceWave partners organised their progress meeting in Athens with the aim to encounter the Si-Cluster and initiate a new partnership to ensure the project’s sustainability.
The Si-Cluster is an emerging, industry-led and user-driven innovation cluster, with a sizeable potential to compete worldwide in the challenging and fast-growing sector of space technologies and applications. Currently, the si-Cluster consists of more than 30 industrial members -including both large businesses and SMEs- while it is rapidly expanding not only its industrial base but also its cooperation ties with all the innovation ecosystem actors, including academia, research institutes, European, regional and central governmental and other stakeholders involved in this highly demanding technological field.
SpaceWave consortium will soon finalize its internationalization strategy plan and communicate over a press-release.