Star Wars Conference

Submitted by MAREK GRZYBOWSKI on 20 May 2018

The Star Wars Conference on Space and Satellite Technologies in Security and Defense Systems was held at the Naval Academy in Gdynia, 17 May 2018. The conference topics are closely related to the research conducted at the Naval Academy – said Cdr prof. Dariusz Bugajski, Vice-Rector for Education at the AMW, who opened the conference in which scientists from military and civil universities, representatives of administration and business took part.

Poland is active in conducting scientific space research, and Polish companies implement specific technical solutions allowing research and use of space in practice – said prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, chairman of the Space Sciences Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the legal and philosophical dimension of star wars discussed by prof. Zdzisław Brodecki, a member of the Space Sciences Commission.

The integrated maritime safety and defense system due to threats resulting from preparations for space wars was presented by prof. Mirosław K. Gerigk, Gdańsk University of Technology. The air-assisted rocket system for launching satellites was developedby dr inż. Bogdan Machowski, Major dr inż. Paweł Dobrzyński, prof. dr hab. Eng. Aleksander Olejnik, dr inż. Piotr Zalewski, Military University of Technology. How the HAP-s stratospheric platform works as a close space observation explained Col. ret. Mgr inż. Marek Malawski (with major dr. inż. Paweł Dobrzyński, dr inż. Stanisław Lipski, dr inż. Bogdan Machowski), Military University of Technology. The arms race in space: fiction or reality? wondered Dr. hab. Małgorzata Polkowska, Academy of War Art. Militarization and planned commercialization of the use of space and international law – this is the topic of the lecture delivered by Dr. Paweł Bernat, the Higher School of Air Force Officers.


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