The strategic and creative communication of the Packaging Cluster is reinforced with a specialist in Digital Marketing

Submitted by Serena Rebollo González de la Aleja on 24 September 2021

0924 - Foto Noticia
  • Judith Marti joins the Packaging Cluster as part of the entity's strategy to strengthen its external communication and position itself as opinion leaders
  • With the incorporation of this new figure, the Catalan cluster defines its roadmap: greater and better communication, to grow as an entity at a quantitative and qualitative level, reaching new audiences and consolidating itself as a benchmark at the state and European level


Judith Marti Porta joins the Packaging Cluster team as a professional in charge of the Digital Marketing of the cluster and the most strategic content. With an education in Corporate Communication, Events and Protocol, and experience in the Marketing sector, developing communication strategies and brand content, Judith begins this new adventure with the aim of strengthening the external communication of the Packaging Cluster and positioning it as agents of change and opinion leaders.

The funding received from the SOC (Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya) and the Garantía Juvenil Program of the State Public Employment Service, has made it possible to hire qualified young people like Marti, making the cluster team continue to grow and develop in the current frame.

Judith Marti will be in charge of managing the most creative and digital part of the entity's communication, with a special focus on Digital Marketing and content creation. We are facing a new communicative era, where new channels appear that must be analyzed to see their potential, and with which we can stimulate a continuous and two-way dialogue with the container and packaging ecosystem.

With the incorporation of this new figure, the Catalan cluster defines its roadmap: greater and better communication, to grow as an entity at a quantitative and qualitative level, reaching new audiences and consolidating itself as a benchmark at the state and European level.

The way to achieve this is the incubation of new communication actions, under the umbrella of a brand positioning strategy, where we will relocate to platforms such as Instagram, the new series of monthly podcasts of the entity in the Packaging Podcast presented by Víctor Borrás (see list on Spotify), or the new audiovisual content that will be launched through the YouTube platform, which will provide the possibility of knowing what is happening in the packaging sector.

In this last year, the cluster team has grown by 175%, from 4 people to 7 in total, directing the activity towards very specific drivers such as innovation, internationalization, the circular economy, business strategy and communication.

Cluster organisation
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