Strategic ICT Clusters’ Meeting for Danube ICT Clusters’ Sustainable Cooperation for Smart and Inclusive Growth Project
The Strategic ICT Clusters’ Meeting for Danube ICT Clusters’ sustainable cooperation for smart and inclusive growth project was held on February 18th and-19th 2016 at Art Hotel Belgrade, Serbia. The meeting was organized under the framework of the DANUBE ICT Project, financed by START program of Danube Strategy of the EC. The meeting is part of the Activity 1 of the project, which main aim is to enhance the creation of favorable conditions for future sustainable collaboration among ICT Clusters from the Danube region and other Balkan countries in the field of cross-industry collaboration.
The meeting was attended by 26 cluster representatives from the Balkan and Black Sea region, members of the Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine. Special guests of the meeting were: Mr. Mohammed Al Hammadi, founder and Chief Executive of InvestSource and Mr. Sebastiano Toffaletti - Alliance Secretary General of Digital SME Alliance - The European Voice of High Tech SME. During the strategic meeting the partners have shared good practices and experience in cross- industry collaboration. Presentations and positions on focused industries were made. The meeting was attended by the representatives from technology park Belgrade and some Serbian Start ups.
Danube ICT project:
Danube ICT project has started on 1 december 2015. The project duration is six months and it is funded by the European Commission and parcially City of Vienna. The main objective of DANUBE ICT is the creation of sustainable, strategic trans-national partnership among ICT Clusters from the Balkans and the Danube region by establishing a common strategy for cross - cluster and cross-industrial cooperation in a favor of SMEs.
The project is leaded by Foundation ICT Cluster with the partnership of Cluj IT Cluster, Vojvodina ICT Cluster, and Montenegrin IT Cluster.
All members of the Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network will be actively engaged in the process of suceesful project implementation.