TEXGLOBAL measures the possibilities of virtually visiting Vietnam by surveying the EU Textile Sector

Submitted by Enrico Venturini on 16 June 2021

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The TEXGLOBAL project is designed to support European Textile SMEs by increasingly integrating their activities into global value chains, introducing new cooperation opportunities, sustainable solutions, exploiting international panoramas, and innovation prospects offered by global markets.
TEXGLOBAL has defined specific countries such as Mexico, the USA, and Vietnam to achieve these objectives and reinforce the European presence on the international target markets. The objective is to establish (or consolidate) inter-clustering, business, and technology partnerships to generate innovative solutions by setting up trans-national cooperation among the different actors.
The first international activity is set to happen this year, with Vietnam being the first targeted country of great potential in terms of business and opportunities regarding the manufacturing of raw materials, spinning, and weaving.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing restrictions and for the safety of all participants, TEXGLOBAL has decided to explore/ propose a virtual mission to Vietnam including the participation in the online edition of the VTG, Vietnam Textile & Garment Industry Exhibition from 22nd November 2021 to 1st December 2021.
VTG enjoys a 20 years’ legacy as the leading textile and garment industry fair in Vietnam. This event will be a practical stage for exhibitors to rejoin the international business arena and once again engage with prospects from Vietnam, Asia, and the world.
In order to identify the possible interest of European SMEs in participating in an international event of this nature, a survey is being conducted and disseminated among the textile companies to identify their primary needs and expectations regarding the attendance to VTG, webinars, and b2b virtual meetings.
Despite not being presential, TEXGLOBAL believes that a virtual approach will allow the participants to reach out to more people worldwide and be more broadly accessible and offer high-quality experiences through a virtual interactive platform, including coherent sessions, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities.
The survey results will allow TEXGLOBAL partnership to pinpoint the exact views of the SMEs and decide about the feasibility of advancing with this mission to Vietnam in a virtual mode, postpone it to a later date, or wait for a better opportunity to organise it next year in a presential way, when Covid-19 will be more under control in this geographical area or the percentage of vaccinated population will be greater, allowing safe traveling abroad.
If you are a textile SME and you wish to take part to the survey and/or to the mission to Vietnam, please contact the project coordinator, enrico.venturini@tecnotex.it.

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