Upcoming tenders for installation works to new nuclear research building, Wing M
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Karlsruhe (JRC), Germany, is pleased to announce its upcoming call for tenders to continue and finalise the technical installation for its new nuclear research building, Wing M.
This new research facility will be a flexible laboratory infrastructure to meet future needs within nuclear research. It is a new stand-alone building with a total surface of 6,440 m2. Used as a nuclear installation for handling radioactive materials, the building will have appropriate safety and security installations to prevent the release of radioactive materials also under accident conditions. The JRC has now published its first preliminary information notice about the two tenders for the technical installations required. For more descriptions, please consult this link for the 1st installation package (works for ventilation, process and mechanical engineering) and this link for the 2nd installation package (electrical, instrumentation & control, communication, and radiation protection technology).
JRC is pleased to invite all interested parties to participate in an online information session taking place on 27 February 2023 in the afternoon, and two onsite information sessions in Karlsruhe on 7 March 2023. For more information and how to register, please see the first and second installation packages. Here interested parties will also find a short survey to be filled in.
*** The Karlsruhe site is the core of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) research for Nuclear Safety and Security with some related research programmes carried out at the JRC sites in Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy. The mission of the JRC on Nuclear Safety and Security is the implementation of the JRC Euratom Research and Training Programme, the maintenance and dissemination of nuclear competences in Europe, to serve both ''nuclear'' and ''non-nuclear'' Member States.