VIDA Awarded Project - DV009 - Cloud irrigation platform based on remote wireless data adquisition

Submitted by Ana Fernandes on 27 July 2020

Agro management platform that incorporates learning algorithms and it also includes real-time communication from any location with the devices deployed on the field, allowing efficient management (irrigation, fertilizer, filter cleaning, pump start-up …)


September 2019 / August 2020


The goal of this Project is creating an agro platform which will not only show data from sensors deployed in field in real time but it will also integrate satellite images and crop parametres, thanks to this information, it will develop internal Machine Learning & AI algorithms and see which actions are needed (irrigate, fertilize, how much water…) and will send orders back down to the installation, to the control hydraulic valves, making the whole process completeley autonomous.

This Project will develop a real scale demonstration of the proposed innovative solution based on the following elements:

  • Data acquisition integrating Satellite images through NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).
  • Integration of communication systems: latest communication technology applied to sensors and field actuators, LTE / NBIoT Communication system allow bidirectional connection with the equipment in real time and which a negligible energy consumption.
  • Cloud back end: programming a back end in which all data an info received in conjuntion with the capability to send data to irrigation valves and other equipment will be manage by autonomous decisión making algorithms.
  • Cloud environment: web portal in which users will have Access to information and status of agriculture farms as well as modification of operating parameters of irrigation systems.


RIS Iberia

Arateck Electronics


Metos Iberia

Learn more: I info [at] (   info[at]vidaproject[dot]eu   ) I Follow us: @h2020vida

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.

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