VIDA Awarded Project - ISV005 - Patent of a system used to automatically identify and count larvae of bivalve molluscs in water samples
Diagram of the developed system
8th of August 2019 / 8th of December 2019
Bivalve molluscs, specially Zebra Mussel, are considered as invasive organisms in water networks. Any facility (agriculture sector, industry, energetic sector), that uses water from an affected source is susceptible of suffering the economical and operative problems that lead to the presence of bivalve molluscs. The manual control of the presence of bivalve molluscs in water has many disadvantages, especially in terms of high risk of human error, and possibility of giving results in a short period of time. The system developed by OX-CTA gives the possibility of solve that disadvantages because can carry out automatically the analysis of water samples. So that, the system developed by OX-CTA is considered a great innovation because allows the quick analysis of samples in an economically feasible way and avoiding human error. In this context, OX-CTA asks for ISV to carry out actions in order to protect the Intellectual Property of that innovative system.
Example of image of larvae of Zebra Mussel detected by the developed system
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.
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