VIDA Awarded Project - ISV006 - Changes in the use of water to elaborate candied fruit and confitures

Submitted by Ana Fernandes on 28 July 2020

Measuring the consumption of water in production lines.


3rd of November 2019 / 3rd of January 2020


The aim of this Innovation Support Voucher (ISV) was improved the waste of water consumption in the candied fruit and confitures manufacturing in TAISI. This work lasted 3 months ending in January 2020. The study allowed registering data about quality and quantity of water uses in every task of the production. The expected information of this proposal was the initial phase to continue with another innovative project where works in specifics area and optimal technologies about water consumption in the production of ingredients as candied fruits and confitures.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.

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