Project Title
VIDA Beneficiary
Nordicflexhouse, Wellfarmed, DLS Entreprise Aps, Consibio, Enabel, Aquacolorsensors, ISS Tanks
Contact Person
Anders Thomsen ( ant [at] (ant[at]nordicflexhouse[dot]dk) )
Solution provider
BioPod solution is a vegetable Ecosystem, where only energy, food waste and water are needed. BioPod is energy - water efficient and a circular economy solution.
The BioPod solution is a closed-loop food production operating on a household- or a community level, and integrated as a new urban farm concept of Regen villas/Agrihoods or larger-scale commercial food production in Eco-friendly industrial agro-food parks.
The purpose of Demonstration Voucher project is:
1. To develop, demonstrate and disseminate an advanced BioPod container solution (LivingLab) for the European market.
2. To establish the Dansk Lokal Energi as a service and installation company for a sourced renewable energy and food solution (in the BioPod container) for villa and townhouses in Denmark and other Nordic countries. The container solution will constitute an energy, food solution and a service concept that can also be exported to European countries and China through our Sino Nordic Innovation Cluster (
3. To establish a go-to-market strategy for the developed BioPod container solution.
Energy water efficiency and circular economy.
Success criteria
Automated BioPod system with alert functions, if resource flow is not optimal concerning vegetable productivity.
KPI in resource flow:
Collecting, cleaning and recirculation of water resources to the vegetable. KPI: 90% recirculation of water.
Recirculation of nutrients to the vegetable-based on organic waste. KPI: 100% of organic waste is used.
Energy and electricity consumption. KPI: 100 % renewable energy and electricity are used.
Measurement of the optimal balance between resource flow /water, energy, nutrients) and the vegetable production (number and quality of vegetable). KPI. Proof of concept with validated data gathering and optimized BioPod for energy efficiency and circular economy.
The key value proposition of the BioPod solution:
The possibility of organically grown, pest-free vegetables with no additional fertiliser than nutrients from the BioPod solution.
Controllable nutrient flow.
Controllable climate and irrigation.
Handle most of the household waste (including food waste, greens, paper and eventually humanure) with more circular energy and nutrient flow.
Heatpump/biogas solution with a battery connected to PV for a community.
BioPod is targeted one family, small and large communities for producing food and handling food waste. The solution can be integrated into new buildings.
Key Enabling Technologies (KET)
Aquaponic/Hydroponic solutions and IOT (automatic monitoring/control of Water, Air and Biological processes, with Sensor-based Technology).
Identified end-users:
greenhouse farmers,
individual households, and
ecovillages with shared Biopod facilities in rural European areas.
There is now a political barrier by using the developed Biopod in the European countries. One barrier is to use a black solider flyer as a nutrient. We will not use that in the BioPod for the European market. We will either use fish waste or standard nutrients for vegetable production.
The intention is to use the BioPod in Ecovillages, where the residents together use and share the BioPod.
Help us disseminating this #VIDADemonstrationProject:
#H2020 #INNOSUP #VIDADemonstrationVoucher #ResourceEfficiency #VIDANexus
#BioPod #ReducedWaste #CircularEconomy #VerticalFarming #Hydroponic
The second call for the VIDA Demonstration Voucher proposals is open until 31 October 2019 5PM CET. Learn about VIDA challenges and apply now using the newest version of the application form (last updates made in July 2019). I info [at] (info[at]vidaproject[dot]eu) Follow us: @h2020vida
VIDA – Value added Innovation in fooD chAins– aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource efficient solutions.
The VIDA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nº 777795.
The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-size Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.
Cluster organisation