VIDA BENEFICIARY SNAPSHOT: The next generation plant-based meat analogues
Project Title
The next generation plant-based meat analogues
VIDA Beneficiary
Plant Meat Makers B.V.
Contact Person
Birgit Dekkers (info [at] (info[at]plantmeatmakers[dot]com))
The high consumption of meat has detrimental consequences for the life on Planet Earth. Meat production puts a burden on the environment since it is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, high land and water use and inefficiency in resource use. Additionally, the system of meat production is forced to increase its efficiency, providing challenges in animal wellbeing, nutrition and food safety. Reducing meat consumption provides an attractive alternative. A route to reduce meat consumption is the development of plant-based meat analogues. Plant-based meat analogues offer a more sustainable alternative.
The best available technology to create plant-based meat analogues is high moisture extrusion. High moisture extrusion is mostly used to create a layer-like structure to be used as chicken-like stripes, whereas the shear cell can be used to also create whole muscle meat analogues that mimic beef, pork or fish. The conversion from feed to food, energy and water usage are much higher for beef and pork as compared to chicken, therefore, it is important to also develop plant-based alternatives for these types of meat products.
Solution provider
The technology employed by Plant Meat Makers allows producing meat analogues unique in size (several kgs a piece), thickness (at least 3 cm) and structure, which are true innovations in the field of plant-based meat. These large pieces are of interest for butchers and chefs. Both professions are used to work with meat in an artisanal manner; they can transform large pieces of meat into delicious products or meals.
The goals of this project are to: i) demonstrate that the technology can be used to create high-quality plant-based meat analogue products; ii) create insights in the working domain of the production process and resulting changes in the product characteristics; iii) produce several batches of food-grade plant-based meat for consumption; iv) do sensory tests and organise tasting sessions.
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VIDA – Value added Innovation in fooD chAins– aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource efficient solutions.
The VIDA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nº 777795.
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Cluster organisation