VIDA BENEFICIARY SNAPSHOT: Validation of novel protein source from fungal biomass

Submitted by Olga Glumac on 26 September 2019

Project Title

Validation of novel protein source from fungal biomass

VIDA Beneficiary

MOGU srl

Contact Person

Gianluca Belottigb [at] (gb[at]mogu[dot]bio) )

Solution provider

MOGU is developing novel protein-rich foods and ingredients using fungal fermentation. MOGU technology converts agroindustrial leftovers, such as brewers' spent grain and yeast or pasta and bread scraps, into food products with improved nutritional values, in particular protein and vitamin content.

The development of MOGU's innovative and sustainable protein production system through fungal fermentation will increase the competitiveness of regional (Lombardy, Italy) food value chains along with the competitiveness of the European food and beverage industries and SMEs that collaborate with our company while minimising their ecological footprint. This will be achieved by producing high-quality protein from fungi by using large-scale bioreactors, which possess all the necessary properties to compete with traditional protein sources while anticipating and satisfying market demand.

Overall, MOGU aims to accelerate the shift towards a healthier diet derived from sustainable, nutrition-sensitive, resource-efficient, resilient, circular and inclusive food and farming systems that benefit from the latest best available technologies and scientific know-how.


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VIDA – Value added Innovation in fooD chAins– aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource efficient solutions.

The VIDA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nº 777795. 


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