VIDA Final Event

Submitted by Ana Fernandes on 20 April 2021


Join us at the VIDA Final Event on 18 May and 19 May 2021!

VIDA Final Event is organised to outline and share its main contributions to the development of new and sustainable food value chains, achieved with the support of many European stakeholders who were actively collaborating in VIDA for the past three years.
At the VIDA Final Event, the stakeholders will have an opportunity to engage and learn about emerging technologies for the agri-food industry. They will also acquire more understanding of how VIDA-awarded innovation projects have addressed some of the most relevant VIDA Challenges.

In total, VIDA has supported 115 SMEs and ten international collaborations. The project granted over EUR 3.3 million for the development of 62 innovative solutions through three voucher schemes – Innovation Support Voucher (ISV/ISV Booster), Validation Voucher (VV) and Demonstration Voucher (DV). We will celebrate accomplishments and discuss the vision of the future in various structured and interactive formats, such as presentations, matchmaking, round table discussions and pitches oriented towards the commercialisation of new products, technologies and services.

You can find detailed information about the programme of the Final Conference here:…

Your presence is essential!
Don’t forget to sign up for the days you would like to join. Register here:

Learn more: I I Follow us: @h2020vida
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.
Disclaimer: The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-size Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.

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