We are already an European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Going International
Last 21st of February the European Commission (DG Grow) officially launched new “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International (ESCP-4i). An event was celebrated where partnerships could share their feelings and experiences in order to learn how to achieve specific external markets identified in their proposals. There were also presentations of successful partnerships which show their cases and shared good practices with the new generation of strategic partnerships. Then, there were some sessions focused on each target market where different alliances could share ideas and try to join forces to get a bigger impact with their actions.
One of those partnerships is our project ESCT Go Global and our chairman Mark de Colvenaer received the label which certificates that SmartCityTech is considered a strategic partnership. In our case we will address our activities to Singapore in 2018, USA in 2019 and India in 2020.
Our main objective of this project is to drive the implementation of smart systems in urban areas, and we already identified a joint cooperation agenda to achieve this goal:
- Building a vibrant and global ecosystem of companies, policy makers, academia, investors and citizens ready to engage for joint projects.
- Developing a joint vision on smart systems for urban areas which will lead to concentrating available resources on those activities which can create the most impact for urban areas.
- Developing global innovation capacities which allow for efficient development of new smart systems solutions for urban areas.
- Stimulating active collaboration between stakeholders on concrete projects leading to added value for all ecosystem stakeholders involved.
- Mobilizing funding, either public or private money, as key resource to drive SmartCityTech projects forward.
- Going beyond Europe and collaborate on opportunities on other continents