The 1st Call for Project Proposals of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020” recently launched
The Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation has launched the 1stcall for project proposals in the frame of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020”, open starting the 31st of January 2017 and with the deadline of the 31st of May 2017. The call focuses on project proposals contributing to all Programme thematic objectives and priorities:
- Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin
- Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin
The overall indicative amount of ENI funds for the two thematic objectives for the first call is 19,655,625.60 EUR., with the ENI grant capped to maximum 92% of the total eligible costs of the Project, per each Lead/Project partner (8% rate of national co-financing, at least).
Lead and Project Partners shall be regional, local or national public authorities; bodies governed by public law, non-profit organizations based in the eligible area of the programme.
The Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is part of European Union’s Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) under its European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). ENI CBC receives funding from ENI as well as from the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-Accession which is pooled together. All sources of funding may be used on either side of the EU external border for actions of common benefit.
Please find more information on the call here.
Any request for clarification should be addressed to: office [at] (office[at]bsb[dot]adrse[dot]ro)