1st Canada-Italy Business Forum On AI: Spotlight on Emilia-Romagna
The regions of Québec and Emilia-Romagna (E-R) are starting a dialogue in the field of Artificial Intelligence with the aim to strengthen the collaboration between E-R’s regional Clust-ERs and the SCALE AI Canadian Supercluster.
The AI landscapes in Italy and Québec are certainly rich with potential synergies and opportunities for collaborations, technology transfer and research projects. Montréal is a world-class hub for research and development of AI technology applications. Some of the most important players in the sector opened their offices in Montréal to carry out their R&D activities: Facebook, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Samsung, Thales, to name a few.
In Emilia-Romagna, the research and innovation ecosystem is experiencing an important evolution towards the creation of the so-called Emilia-Romagna Data Valley. In June 2019, the proposal coordinated by Cineca (the national university consortium for data processing based in Bologna) was selected by the European Commission for the Euro High-Performance Computer Joint Undertaking. The EU awarded 120M€ to install the new supercomputer in Bologna, Leonardo, which will support high-performance computing projects and infrastructures all across Europe.
The Emilia-Romagna Regional Government, ART-ER (the regional Agency fostering the region’s sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalization of the regional ecosystem), and the Italy-Canada Chamber of Commerce in Montréal strongly believe that this is the ideal time to bring together, for the first time, Canadian and Italian AI stakeholders. The Canada-Italy Business Forum on AI will see the participation of cluster organizations, universities, research centers, SMEs, start-ups, incubators, as well as international-caliber key-note speakers and panelists during an inaugural world-class event in Montréal on 17-18 September 2019, with Emilia-Romagna as featured territory.
This Forum will be tailored around the needs to exchange knowledge and best practices of both territories, cluster organizations, universities, research centers and companies. In particular, by opening a dialogue with Québec, Emilia-Romagna aims at encouraging the development of partnerships and networks between clusters, applied research centers, facilitate technology transfer pathways and optimize the promotion of research results and attraction of investments.
The Forum will have a plenary morning session followed by four parallel thematic sessions on four different AI value chains: fintech & e-commerce, industry 4.0, life sciences, and mobility. After these sessions, guests will have the opportunity to participate in match-making B2Bs and market learning field visits.
For further information please contact: enrico.saltarelli [at] art-er.it (enrico[dot]saltarelli[at]art-er[dot]it)