20 MENA clusters and member companies have confirmed their participation to the THE NEXT SOCIETY International Market Mission on FILEX France Forum, next 13 September in Paris, France

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 04 September 2019

THE NEXT SOCIETY, in collaboration with France Clusters, organises the 1st International Business Development Mission for MENA clusters during France Clusters’ FILEX, the national forum of sectors of excellence and territorial ecosystems, organised by France Clusters and its partners.

This international business development mission, especially for Mediterranean clusters and their member companies, will take place on September Friday 13th.

20 MENA clusters and member companies have already confirmed their participation :

Groupement Cluster boisson-Agrologistique - Algeria Clusters (Algeria); Egyptian Renewable Energy Cluster Initiative (Egypt); Beirut Creative Cluster (Lebanon); Robinson Agri (member of QOOT cluster) (Lebanon); Al Rifai Roastery company (member of QOOT cluster) (Lebanon); CE3M (Morocco); Maroc Numeric Cluster (Morocco); Morrocan Solar Cluster (Morocco); Cluster des Textiles Techniques Marocains (C2TM); Moroccan denim&fashion cluster (Morocco); ESITH (member of C2TM) (Morocco); Palestinian Stone Cluster (Palestine); House of Furniture Cluster (Palestine); Hebron Leather and Shoe Cluster (Palestine); Valley for Stone and Marble (member of Palestinian Stone cluster) (Palestine); Partnersofa (member of House of furniture cluster) (Palestine); Jerusalem Tourism Cluster (Palestine); North-west olive oil cluster (Tunisia); Pharma IN (Tunisia); Biotechpole Sidi Thabet (member of Pharma In cluster) (Tunisia)

French and European representatives of clusters, enterprises, incubators, accelerators and all different actors interested in Mediterranean markets will have the opportunity to meet the North African and Middle Eastern cluster representatives through B2B meetings and explore new business opportunities all over the day.

On Friday 13, a special workshop will also be organised on inter-cluster cooperation on the greater Mediterranean space and THE NEXT SOCIETY initiative.


For more information and registration, please contact: sara.botti [at] franceclusters.fr (sara[dot]botti[at]franceclusters[dot]fr) ; +33 (0)4 72 91 27 07

Third Country
Morocco Tunisia Other Countries in Africa Central Asia and Middle East
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