20 projects labelled in the SMART Cluster's first call in the EUREKA programme

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 26 November 2018

Advanced Manufacturing in Europe will get a positive boost with the labelling of 20 new and innovative SMART projects

On the 18th of July 2018, the SMART Cluster Board labelled 20 projects (out of 26 presented in the FPP phase) with a total of 39,2M€ budget, giving 104 organizations from 10 countries the opportunity to increase competitiveness of European manufacturing industry.

The SMART label greatly helps participants in the process of negotiating funding with their respective public authorities, and some of them will even benefit from preferential treatment in accessing specific funds.

Now, each project participant can apply for funding in their respective countries.

SMART is a flexible, industry-driven EUREKA Cluster program in Advanced Manufacturing aiming to promote collaborative, international & close-to-market R&D&I projects. 

As a EUREKA Cluster, SMART is grounded in Europe and open to worldwide participants from the Eureka Network.

Manufacturing is a vital sector in Europe, fundamental to European development towards a competitive sustainable globalization. Advanced manufacturing is strongly addressed in most political agendas as a key enabler that will lead European society towards a higher industrial competitiveness, sustainable growth and job creation.

Published in The EUREKA Network's Newsletter #103, also here.

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