2019 CEF Telecom calls for proposals
Deadline: 14 May, 2019
Up to €48.2 million is foreseen from the 2019 CEF Telecom Work Programme for grants managed by INEA in the area of Generic Services. The grants under CEF Telecom will help European public administrations and businesses to hook up to the core platforms of the digital services that are the object of the calls. All the information about 2019 CEF Telecom general objectives and actions planned this year can be found in the Work Programme.
2019-1 CEF Telecom call for proposals
This call is the first one under the 2019 CEF Telecom Work Programme. It offers co-funding to stimulate and support the deployment of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) in the areas of Automated Translation, eIdentification & eSignature, eDelivery, eInvoicing, Europeana and EU Student eCard. Up to €19.2 million is made available to meet the needs of public administrations, businesses and citizens in their cross-border activities.
CEF Telecom funding supports projects of common interest that improve the daily life of citizens, businesses and public administrations and contribute to the development of a Digital Single Market by deploying European digital infrastructures across the EU.
Interested applicants from all EU Member States, as well as Iceland and Norway, may submit their proposals until 14 May 2019 in the following areas:
- Automated Translation - providing solutions to make European digital services multilingual – €4 million;
- eIdentification & eSignature - addressing the cross-border authentication of eIDs and the uptake and use of electronic signatures - €5 million;
- eDelivery – enabling public administrations to exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, business and citizens, in a secure, reliable and trusted way - €1 million
- eInvoicing – to support the implementation of the European Standard on eInvoicing (EN), allowing electronic invoices to flow seamlessly across the EU - €6.2 million;
- Europeana - €2 million to increase awareness and usage of the European cultural heritage platform;
- EU Student eCard – to support cross-border student mobility through the development of solutions based on the reuse of the eIDAS eID and, if applicable, of other CEF building blocks - €1 million.
To receive co-funding under the calls, actions must be ready for deployment, contribute to EU Digital Single Market policies and have a long-term sustainability strategy. The funding will be allocated to those eligible proposals which best meet the award criteria as specified in the 2019 CEF Telecom Work Programme and call texts in the areas relevant to this call.
A Virtual Info Day on the 2019-1 CEF Telecom call and application process will take place on 7 March 2019. Participants can register here
Please find detailed information on the call here.
The call was publlished on ec.europa.eu website here. © European Union, 1995-2019