2019 PENTA-EURIPIDES2 Synchronised Call for Proposals

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 31 August 2018

In November 2018 PENTA and EURIPIDES2 will launch for the first time a synchronised call to submit RD&I project proposals in all areas of the Electronics Components and Systems (ECS) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and supporting the development of the Digital Economy in Europe. As the digital revolution gains momentum, collaborative innovation projects must increasingly work along the ECS value chain. The 2019 synchronised EURIPIDES2/ PENTA call contributes towards a simplification of the funding landscape and brings a wider range of countries and partners together through EURIPIDES2, PENTA, and, where appropriate, co-labelled projects. It will clarify the funding choices that collaborative teams can access, help to standardise submission processes and provide high quality support to projects as they develop.


EURIPIDES2-PENTA projects are guided by the new Electronic Components and Systems Strategic Research Agenda (ECS SRA). Produced by over 200 European Technology experts the SRA Identifies 10 areas of innovation describing 5 essential capabilities and 5 application needs:

Key application areas: Transport and Smart Mobility, Health and Well-Being, Energy, Digital Industry, Digital Life

Essential capabilities: Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration; Connectivity and Interoperability; Safety, Security and Reliability; Computing and Storage; ECS Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing

All projects must significantly advance the technology State of the Art, enable the formation of ecosystems along the ECS value chain, and meet the national priorities of the funding countries involved


PENTA-EURIPIDES2 operate a two-stage call submission process, during which the quality of the project proposal is evaluated and improved, leading to a final selection of high-quality project proposals that receive the official EURIPIDESor PENTA or EURIPIDES2/ PENTA co-label.

1. Producing a Project Outline (PO):

The PO gives a short overview of a project, mainly to describe the project goals, innovation, targeted business impact and consortium. Project Outlines which are positively evaluated are invited for the second stage; deadline 01/03/2019

2. Producing a Full Project Proposal (FPP):

The FPP describes the project plan and how the project will be executed and managed. Approved FPPs will receive the EURIPIDES2, or PENTA or EURIPIDES2/PENTA label; deadline: 21/05/2019.

Please find more on registration, how to submit a project and call documents here.

PENTA is a EUREKA Cluster with a mission to catalyse research, development and innovation in areas of micro and nanoelectronics enabled systems and applications. Micro and nanoelectronics underpin the rapidly developing Digital Economy and are a cornerstone of key European & Global economic and societal developments. PENTA supports projects along the Electronic Components & Systems (ECS) value chain, working with National Public Authorities to identify focus areas with common industrial and National interest. PENTA programme is managed by AENEAS, an Industrial Association bringing together Large Enterprise, SME’s, Technology organisations and Academia that participate in the Digital Economy, with the aim of ensuring a robust funding landscape for collaborative innovation in Europe.

 EURIPIDES² is a EUREKA Cluster promoting the generation of innovative, industry-driven, pre-competitive R&D projects in the area of Smart Electronic Systems Integration. EURIPIDES² covers the whole electronic systems integration value chain, from materials, equipment and technologies, components and modules, up to embedded, enmeshed and implanted systems.

Source: http://www.penta-eureka.eu/calls/2019EURIPIDES-PENTACall.php, AENEAS, 2018

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