Are you interested in cooperating on smart specialisation with Brazil?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 16 May 2018

This call is for EU regions interested in the development of cooperation opportunities with the Brazilian States of Paraná, Pernambuco and Pará. You could register your expression of interest until the 15th of June 2018 (midnight).

The EU awarded regions will be visited by the 3 Brazilian counterparts on purpose to promote their best practices on innovation themes or sectors of common interest. Through the entire project, an on-line platform will allow participants to exchange knowledge on the selected areas. On a later stage of the exchange of experiences, two experts from each of the selected EU regions will take part in a conference in Brazil involving the three states and the Federal government. The costs related to the participation of European experts will be covered by the project.

INNOV-AL Platform is a EU funded project for the promotion of decentralised innovation policies and cooperation in territorial cohesion. The project is supported by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO). The objective is to support the dissemination of the EU regional policy experience and good practices and to develop further cooperation between national and regional authorities and specialised agencies in the three Brazilian States as well as between Brazilian partners and EU regions on the implementation of decentralised, regional-level innovation and smart specialisation policies. Participating regions could have the possibility to conclude cooperation agreements or alternatively engage directly in concrete cooperation activities identified through the networking and knowledge exchange process. Please check the call overview here ( to read more about this project and check out the short description of the three Brazilian States open for pairing and cooperation.

An information Webinar will be held on the 24th of May at 10:30h CET. Apply here!

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