Australian biotechnology industry and relevant cluster-like organisations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 15 November 2017

The Australian biotechnology industry is one of the most important biotech sectors in the world. First ranked (in company number) on the Asian-Pacific area, it reaches the 6th rank of global market, which makes Australia a leading country in this sector worldwide. The biotech sector brought €4,9 billion ($7,3 billion AUD) incomes in 2016, for an average of 4% annual growth for the last 5 years (period 2012-2017). Governmental program funding and strong foreign investments have led to a lot of cooperation partnerships (financial tools, as much as research processes like clinical trials, etc.) with foreign companies, that actively stimulated industrial performance in this fast-growing sector. A growth of 4,3% per year is expected for the next few years (period 2017-2022). The biotech industry is now heavily supported by governmental policies, as it is targeted by the National Biotechnology Strategy and has a ministerial organisation dedicated to it: the Commonwealth Biotechnology Ministerial Council.

(sources: Australian Cluster Observatory, Australian government website, McKell Institute website, Nature blog)

Overview of a number of relevant Australian organisations (non-exhaustive list): Antimicrobials, organic biofertilizers, preservative products, implantable tracker for animals (…)

Australia's peak biotechnology industry association

Representing and advocating for organisations Economic development in health, creative industries, education, etc. Electronics design and manufacturing industry Industry-led membership association for organisations engaged in biotechnology, medical technology and health innovation in the state of Victoria
Melbourne, a world leading biotech hub

Attracts 40% of Australia’s medical research funding

53% life sciences companies

2 universities in the TOP20 biomedicine rankings

Read on: information about the Australian biotech industry

McKell Institute, How Australia can build a stronger biotechnology industry, Oct. 2016:

Autralian government site, “Biotechnology” page

 Australian biotech strategy (gov): National Biotechnology Strategy

Commonwealth Biotechnology Ministerial Council (gov)

Nature blog, Australia’s government and biotech, May 2015

“State governments have also helped to create a few clusters. In Melbourne, for instance, the government of Victoria has supported the development of The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Burnet Institute, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital – many of which are in close proximity to each other. Clusters allow companies to share facilities and draw a better hiring pool. Clusters also help promote collaborations, and sometimes consortia formed in a cluster may earn state government funding.”

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