Boosting smart specialisation through Key Enabling Technologies – clusters are key to success

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 10 November 2016

ClusterNanoRoad Project launched 

The ClusterNanoRoad project aims to bring enabling technologies into cluster delivery of smart specialisation. The 30-month project will work with cluster managers as the portal to regional economic development.  It will network industries and countries to bring technologies such as nanotech, advanced materials and advanced processing to sectors as diverse as agriculture, engineering and healthcare.

Opportunities for cluster involvement

The project actively seeks the involvement of clusters from different sectors across Europe, with opportunities to be directly involved in:

  • Share their own smart specialisation strategy and enabling technology opportunities – complete the project survey
  • Help develop case studies of good practice in enabling technology uptake and a roadmap for clusters to use
  • Host regional workshops for roadmap validation
  • Be part of EU-wide pilot actions to support cluster managers, policy makers and SMEs in joint activities – bringing sectors and regions together around specific actions such as SME connections, policy maker working groups and joint technology scanning

Clusters are invited to contact the ClusterNanoRoad team through the project website at or via to become directly involved, with promotion of their project activities and integration into long term planning.

The project is led by INL (International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory), with partners from semiconductor (Silicon Saxony) and smart electronic systems (DSP Valley) clusters, development expert INNO TSD, industry associations the Nanotechnology Industries Association and Swednanotech, plus lifescience cluster network CEBR.

The Coordination and Support action will deliver long term partnerships between clusters, including managers and policy makers, in order that they can work together in aligning technologies with new opportunities and ensuring that their smart specialisation strategies can be implemented for maximum economic development.

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