Brazil analysis reports are available
Two analysis reports prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the preparatory briefings and discussion paper on Brazil, are available!
These reports are the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies and programmes, as well as a cluster mapping. You will also be able to learn about good practices and existing collaboration cases between European and Brazilian clusters.
In Brazil, clusters are known as Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APL - local production systems in English). According to the definition given by the Serviço de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas (SEBRAE - Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises), APLs are clusters of firms within the same administrative area (e.g. municipality) that share a particular specialisation. Firms within each cluster maintain ties of cooperation and learning both among themselves and with other stakeholders such as government, business associations, lenders, and teaching and research institutions. An APL is characterized by the existence of a group of firms operating in the same economic activity.
APL Observatory is the official database of APLs. It aggregates information about Brazilian cluster communities, providing information on the cluster environment, geography, sectors and main cluster cities, among others. The number of Brazilian APLs (S&T clusters) has grown quickly over the past 15 years. It seems there are currently 774 APLs, a value almost 80 times superior than in the year 2000.
For more information about the cluster landscape in Brazil and a number of other countries, we invite you to visit the International Cooperation country pages on the platform.