Call for application: EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission to Indonesia and Singapore. Healthcare & Medical Technologies
In 2020, the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Healthcare & Medical Technologies to South East Asia will take place from 6 to 11 September.
Singapore & Indonesia are the markets targeted for this mission, thanks to the growth opportunities available for foreign companies.
The 50 European companies selected for the EU-funded business mission will travel to the two markets for the weeklong event, which includes networking events, a site visit and participation in South East Asia’s biggest industry event, Medical Fair Asia 2020.
It’s a valuable opportunity for any company interested in expanding to South East Asia given the extensive logistical and financial support offered.
Through our matchmaking process, participants will meet targeted local prospects that can then become new clients and partners.
To find out more details about this EU-funded opportunity, download the business mission information and apply before 30 April 2020.
For support on the application process, contact [at] (coaching[dot]network[at]eu-gateway[dot]eu).
The article was published on website. © 2018 EU Gateway | Business Avenues