Call for application: EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission to Korea - Contemporary European Design
Application deadline: 7 February 2020.
EU Gateway | Business Avenues organizes regular EU-funded missions for European companies looking to expand onto Asian markets, focusing on specific sectors with strong potential for European companies.
In preparation to the business mission week, the organisers ensure the participants get extensive coaching about doing business in Korea and understand the complexity of the market, during the application stage, the pre-departure stage, the Business Mission week in Seoul, and after return to Europe. Coaching includes:
- Suitability check and assistance during application: After you submit an Expression of Interest, we will contact you to discuss your company’s eligibility and suitability for the Business Mission.
- Market Study: After selection, you will receive a comprehensive Market Study. This will broaden your understanding of the Korean design market and help you to define your market strategy.
- Pre-departure Meeting: Before the Business Mission week, you will attend a one-day Predeparture Meeting in Brussels, Belgium. At the meeting, you will receive a briefing on logistical preparation for the Business Mission week, a presentation on the Korean market in your business sector, and consultation on the business matching process. 1 The Republic of Korea 2 of 6
- Post-mission Follow Up: Shortly after your return to Europe, your EU Gateway to Korea Coach will debrief you and offer advice on follow up with contacts made in Korea. You will also be asked to complete an online questionnaire after the business mission.
The five-day Business Mission week in the Republic of Korea for Contemporary European Design will take place in Seoul from 19 July 2020 to 24 July 2020.
For the 50 European companies selected for this EU-funded opportunity, it is a chance to make new business connections and reinforce their presence on the Korean market.
Through business matchmaking services, the participants are paired with potential partners or direct customers. They are also promoted beforehand on the Korean market, to ensure visibility among local industry players.
Read the business mission information document to get more practical details about the mission.
The call was published on website. © 2018 EU Gateway | Business Avenues