Call for application: matchmaking mission on renewable energy, São Paulo, Brazil, November 7-11, 2016

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 16 August 2016

As part of the Institutional Network that supports Low Carbon Business Action, we are glad to inform that the call for applications for the EU-financed matchmaking-mission on renewable energy, including the subsectors: solar, photovoltaic and biomass for energy; is officially opened from Monday 15th of August through Friday 30th of September (deadline extended!).

The matchmaking mission on renewable energy will be held in São Paulo, Brazil on November 7-11, 2016

The event is organized alongside the ELAN Renewable Energy Conference.The matchmaking mission is organized in institutional partnership with Sebrae (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio à Micro e Pequena Empresa), CNI (Confederação Nacional da Indústria) and in coordination with the programme ELAN – EU Latin America Network – and USP Inovação to be held on the premisses of the BIN SP 2016 – Business & Innovation Network. 

More information on the technology focus of the mission is included below. 

Travel costs of selected SMEs will be 80% reimbursed. 

Apply online at:

Should you have any questions, please contact us at info [at] (info[at]lowcarbonbrazil[dot]com)


LCBA has identified the technological routes and business potentials for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Brazilian market, both for technology and service providers with the aim to promote joint businesses. Please find below detailed information about technology needs and business opportunities for this mission.

Technologies/services/processes for Biomass Energy

  • a) Consultancy and Projects: Development of value chains from sustainable biomass; Development of domestic and exportation markets for biomass products; Structured/smart systems for collection of Used Cooking Oil (UCO); Project Smart Grids including energy from biomass; Design of bio-refineries.
  • b) Solid biomass: Equipment for production and use of pellets and briquettes, including burners; Adaptation of systems (furnaces, boilers etc.) for using biomass from various sources (including waste biomass).
  • c) Gasification: Technology transfer; Equipment for biomass gasification (including biomass from agricultural, industrial and urban waste and residues).
  • d) Ethanol (1st and 2nd generation): Agricultural equipment, machinery and power generators using ethanol as fuel; Equipment for the production of cellulosic ethanol; Technology transfer and partnership for the production of enzymes used in the production of cellulosic ethanol.
  • e) Biodiesel: Technology for esterification of acid oils; Partnership and/or technology transfer for transformation of glycerine into other products; Partnership and/or technology transfer for the production of methanol from biomass; Conversion and marketing of alternative raw materials and residual oils and fats.
  • f) "Renewable diesel" and Bio-jet-fuel: Technology transfer and partnership for production from multi feedstocks.
  • g) Analysis and certifications: Quality of pellets and briquettes for exportation; Compliance verification and quality analysis of bio-jet-fuels; Laboratory tests and studies for biomass to be used in bio-refineries; Equipment for biomass laboratories.
  • h) Research and Training: Technical and operational training; Training in new technologies for biomass for energy and bio-products; Partnerships for studies of alternative biomass; Partnerships for pilot projects of bio-refineries and for  algae oils production.

Technologies/services/processes for Solar and Photovolaic Energy:

  • (a) Photovoltaic modules: crystalline and thin film
  • (b) Solar thermal collectors: glazed and unglazed
  • (c) Inverters: central, string and off-grid
  • (d) Batteries: grid-tied and off-grid
  • (e) Mounting support: rooftop and ground mount
  • (f) Trackers: single axis
  • (g) Monitoring systems: software and hardware
  • (h) Data acquisition / processing: Satellite, power generation prediction, weather stations, data certification, etc.
  • (i) Balance of the system (BOS): connectors, cables, protection, charger controllers, switching, water circulation system (solar thermal) etc.
  • (j) Financial services: rating, consulting, auditing, insurance, etc.
  • (k) O&M: maintenance, operation and management
  • (l) Education: Training for technicians, engineers and managers.
  • (m) Heat-pump (water heating)
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