Call for expression of interest for the organisation of an event on Policy Learning for Policy Makers and Capacity Building for Cluster Organisations
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) invites applications from regions and cities from EU and COSME participating countries with a view to hosting a cluster policy learning and capacity building event with its European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
The thematic focus of the event shall be linked to e.g. supporting the green transition towards a more resource-efficient Circular Economy in line with the Commission’s focus on implementing the European Green Deal, digital transformation, and/or skills for industry.
The target audience of the event includes policy-makers, managers and staff from cluster organisations coming from your region and other regions across the EU and COSME participating countries, especially clusters participating in European Strategic Cluster Partnerships, notably those focussing on cluster excellence (ESCP-4x).
The event is expected to take place in June 2020 and shall in principle last one day and a half and gather up to 100 participants. By co-organising this event, the successful applicant region can facilitate capacity building for cluster organisations in their region, facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices with clusters and policy-makers from other regions and showcase their region’s ability to shape the agenda for the cluster community on a particular topic in relation to e.g. supporting the green transition towards a more resource-efficient Circular Economy, digital transformation, and/or skills for industry.
Submissions for this form are closed.
Please find a web version of the call here.
Please find a PDF version of the call in the attachment below.