Call for participation in the EC high-level business delegation visit to Canada from 1-3 May 2017

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 06 February 2017

Call for participation in the EC high-level business delegation visit to Canada from 1 to 3 May 2017

Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan will be visiting Canada in the period 1-3 May 2017 accompanied by a delegation of senior representatives of European companies/producer organisations. This trip will combine official visits by Commissioner Hogan to the relevant Canadian counterparts, and promotion activities attended by the business delegation, such as seminars and media events.

The purpose of this visit is to enhance long standing trade ties between the European Union and Canada on the heels of the successful completion of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), signed in October 2016. An important element of the visit to Canada will be the opening of the SIAL 2017 fair in Toronto, where the EU will be the Region of Honour with its own pavilion.

Following the letters from Commissioner Hogan to all EU agriculture ministers, Chair of the European Parliament's ComAGRI and the main EU farming organisations (CEJA, CELCA, Copa-Cogeca, Food and Drink Europe), we are now inviting business delegation representatives to arrive in Toronto on Sunday 30 April 2017 and continue with the official programme of the delegation through 3 May, including dedicated events such as business-to-business meetings, retail visits and field trips in Toronto and beyond.

Interested organisations/companies are invited to fill in the online application form by 3 March 2017 via the link:

We will then be able to confirm participation by mid-March. For more information please visit:

We would therefore like to ask you to disseminate this invitation among the members of your networks and particularly SMEs interested in participating in the business delegation. Senior level representatives from both producer organisations and individual companies from key sectors in the EU trade with Canada (such as, but not limited to dairy, notably cheese, meat, wines and spirits, processed agricultural products, cereals, fruits and vegetables) are welcome to take part.

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