The call for proposal to carry out the Phase III of the EU-SME Centre in China is now open!
Call ID:COS-SMECC-2019-2-01
Deadline: 02 April 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time
Considering the economic potential and size of the Chinese market, the extent of difficulties faced by SMEs in accessing the market and gaps in existing first-line business support services for SMEs, the European Parliament decided to finance, through a preparatory Action, the establishment of an EU Centre for Support to European SMEs (EU SME Centre, henceforth also referred to as the Centre). The first phase of the Centre ran from 2010 to 2014 and was followed in 2014 by a second phase, running until April 2020. Both phase I and II have been financed by the European Commission (DG DEVCO) through a grant agreement under the ICI+ programme.
The purpose of the present call is to carry out phase III of the EU SME Centre building up on the achievements of phase I and II. The project has been a success, developing over the years a widely recognised and consulted online "Knowledge Centre" (, improving general understanding amongst EU SMEs about the Chinese market, business conditions and opportunities, and supporting the activities of EU SMEs planning to do business in China. This next phase will run for an 18-month period will be funded under the COSME programme.
Please find the call conditions and documents here.
The call was published on website here. © 2018 European Commission.