Call for Proposals: Clusters Go International

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 29 August 2019

Deadline: 30 October 2019, 17:00 hours (Brussels time).

The main objective of this action is to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and also across sectorial boundaries and to support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships to lead international cluster cooperation in fields of strategic interest towards third countries beyond Europe. By fostering the development of 'European Strategic Cluster Partnerships - Going International' (ESCP-4i), i.e. European meta-clusters helping SMEs find easier access to global value chains and engage in long-term cooperation with strategic partners in third countries, this action contributes to implement the Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs under the COSME Programme.

This action builds upon previous successful editions of the "Clusters Go International" call for proposals that lead to the establishment of a total of 40 co-funded 'European Strategic Cluster Partnerships-Going International' (ESCP-4i) and work concretely together to exploit synergies as well as to develop a joint internationalisation strategy for the benefit of their SMEs.

The present call for proposals is targeting actions for two phases, divided in three Strands.

Preparatory phase
  • Strand 1: will support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International (ESCP-4i) open to a wide range of European industrial sectors and value chains.
Implementation phase
  • Strand 2.a: will support the first implementation, testing and further development of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships - Going International (ESCP-4i) in a wide range of European industrial sectors and value chains, except those targeted in Strands 2.b below.
  • Strand 2.b: will support the first implementation, testing and further development of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International (ESCP-4is) in the Space and Digital sector (use of earth observation data and related applications), specifically for downstream users of earth observation data in the context of Copernicus, the EU's Earth Observation and Monitoring programme.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 8.300.000, out of which EUR 7.400.000 for Strand 1 and Strand 2.a and EUR 900.000 for Strand 2.b, with a maximum grant per project of EUR 200.000 for Strand 1 and EUR 450.000 for Strand 2.a and Strand 2.b.

Please find all information and documents related to the call here.

The call was published on website here.  © European Union, 1995-2019

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