Call for proposals - Incubators (business support organisations) for inclusive and social entrepreneurship

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 27 February 2020

Deadline for submitting applications: 30/04/2020

Financed under the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" 2014-20202, this call aims at mobilising existing network(s) of mainstream business incubators to expand their outreach to inclusive and social entrepreneurship.

The experience of support organisations and networks already targeting social entrepreneurs and (potential) entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups will combine with support for scaling and replication of social enterprise and social innovation business ideas through dissemination of knowledge and understanding of potential market opportunities in other territories. The supported project shall cover both inclusive and social entrepreneurship in a balanced way. 

Proposals must be centred around activities promoting the concepts “inclusive and social entrepreneurship” amongst all individual member organisations of the network or the consortium of networks. Activities shall notably focus on transferring knowledge and building capacities amongst the member organisations, so that they will be well equipped to work with the (potential) entrepreneurs in these fields.

The types of activities which may be funded under this call for proposals can include:

- gathering, production and diffusion of relevant information materials; - study visits and exchange of good practices; - training activities, webinars, seminars, conferences, etc; - developing business support services for inclusive and social entrepreneurs, including toolkits, templates, manuals and other support material; - actions aiming at creating and improving connections to stakeholders in inclusive and social entrepreneurship; - awareness and dissemination actions amongst the network’s members and towards the wider audience.

The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at 1 300 000 EUR. The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 1 000 000 and EUR 1 300 000, with a co-financing rate of 80% of the total eligible costs of the action. The Commission expects to fund 1 proposal.

Please find all documents of the call here

The call was published on website here.  © European Union, 1995-2020

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