Call for proposals: STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation
Deadline: 17 April 2018 17:00:00
Topic Identifier: ICT-32-2018
The challenge of the S+T+ARTS=STARTS program – innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology and the Arts - is to better address innovation in industry and society by engaging artists in European R&I projects to explore unconventional art-inspired solutions to industrial/societal problems.
With a total budegt of EUR 9,000,000, this action will support art-driven innovation in European R&I projects by inclusion of artists in research consortia:
RIA Research and Innovation action aimed at supporting STARTS lighthouse pilots that will explore art-inspired solutions to industrial/societal challenges in two chosen areas: art-inspired interactive human-centred environments and art-inspired urban manufacturing
CSA Coordination and support action aimed at creating a STARTS ecosystem by coordinating artistic and innovation relevant aspects of the two lighthouse pilots and of other European/international R&I projects that put artists and creatives at the centre of innovation.
Expected Impact:
- The demonstration of value-added to industry and society in having artists contribute to the development of radically new products, services and processes.
- Signalling effect for future uptake of art-driven solutions to concrete industrial and societal challenges and art-driven user-centred products and services.
- Efficient working models how art-technology collaboration can contribute to innovative processes in research, industry and society.
- Burgeoning STARTS ecosystem involving industry, technology, research, end-users, societal stakeholders, and the Art world that reconciles and unites the goals and thinking of industry and technology with that of the Art world.
Please find more information on call, conditions and documents here.