CEBR Position Paper

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 18 February 2020

The Council of European BioRegions (CEBR) was initiated in 2002, and consolidated through the Europe Innova ABCEurope (Advanced Biotech Cluster platforms for Europe) project, where 13 leading European bio-regions formed a partnership to raise both the quality and quantity of support services for biotech SMEs across Europe.

Since 2013, CEBR is organized in a formal network as a non-profit association based in Brussels, Belgium. The members of CEBR have put together the attached position paper, in order to shed light on the important role and situation of European life science ecosystems, including clusters, industry associations, incubators and industry parks, and how they could be better integrated into a stronger European Research and Innovation framework.

For further information please contact: 

Anaïs Le Corvec Network Manager
Council of European Bioregions - CEBR info [at] (info[at]cebr[dot]net)
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