Circular Economy Mission to Mexico

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 25 February 2019

The Circular Economy Missions are a series of high-level political and business meetings in third countries to communicate and promote sustainable and resource-efficient policies.

The missions are organised by the Directorate-General (DG) for the Environment of the European Commission and aim to build bridges between European institutions, NGOs and companies and the relevant stakeholders in those third countries, interested in the opportunities that the transition to the circular economy brings.

These initiatives have the potential of strengthening existing and creating new ties between the EU and third country institutions in the field of environment, as well as supporting green European businesses - especially SMEs- to expand their activities abroad.


The Circular Economy Missions are conceived with three clear objectives:

  • To increase cooperation between the EU and third countries in the field of environmental policy. This can be achieved by signing political agreements directed at fostering the circular economy, green public procurement and innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth. 
  • To achieve a better understanding of the environmental challenges faced by third countries.
  • To promote green solutions through business partnerships abroad. In this regard, the missions will organise matchmaking events between European and local entrepreneurs and will engage in exchange of views with targeted audiences.


The policies discussed during the missions gravitate around circular economy, resource efficiency and sustainable use of natural resources.

In particular, the missions focus on topics related to eco-innovation, chemicals and plastic, waste, water management, marine pollution and urban environmental best practices. These issues offer a wide area for further bilateral discussions, not least because they have a great potential for innovative business solutions. For instance, the use of state-of-the-art technologies can help to reduce environmental impacts.

Commissioner Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will lead a Circular Economy Mission to Mexico between the 24th and 25th April 2019.
Please find enclosed invitation letter and draft programme.

Deadline to register is 1st March 2019


Third Country
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