Cluster Excellence Programme Call COS-CLUSTER-2015-3-02 is open!

Submitted by ECCP Team on 10 February 2016

The objective of the Clusters Excellence programme call for proposals is to strengthen cluster management to provide more professional business services to European SMEs and, as a result, to contribute to the development of more world-class clusters in the EU.

In order to pursue cluster management excellence, cluster organisations need to provide support services to their members and develop strategic approaches to address the innovation, growth and globalization challenges that SMEs face.

The action will therefore be implemented by consortia of cluster and/or business network organisations operating in countries participating in Europe’s programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (COSME) that are striving towards cluster management excellence.

It will help cluster organisations deliver services more efficiently and develop strategic plans to generate greater added value for their members, including through cluster collaboration across Europe.

This call further aims to promote cross-cluster learning, with a particular focus on engaging cluster organisations from regions with different levels of economic development and, likewise, cluster organisations with distinct stages of development and experience.

For more information see here:

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