Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube region
ESCA, the European Sercretariat for Cluster Analysis has just released the study Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube region, dedicated to the current status of cluster management excellence in Europe, authored by Helmut Kergel, Dr. Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Michael Nerger and Dr. Oliver Ziegler.
The study aims at contributing to the currently ongoing efforts made within ECEI II project to update and further streamline the Cluster Management Excellence and Labelling approach, as well as shading light on the current landscape within the Danube region, while illustrating the similarities and differences of cluster development in the Danube Region compared to the entire Europe.
Please read about the distinction made by ESCA, for the purpose of this Pan-European cluster benchmarking exercise, between clusters, cluster initiaives and cluster organisations, about the European Cluster Excellence Management Scorecard, the indicators developed in the European Cluster Excellence Initiative, in the study available here.
The study was published in Economy & Finance, on March 11th, 2018.