Cluster support activities to introduce KETs into your cluster: Pilot actions for collaboration

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 29 August 2017

Cluster support activities to introduce KETs into your cluster: Pilot actions for collaboration

Introductory webinar September 6, 1100 CEST

The ClusterNanoRoad project invites cluster managers from across sectors and countries to become involved in three pilot actions to help clusters implement Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) into their smart specialisation strategy and communities.  The actions include:

  • Cross-sector collaboration in cardio-vascular disease
  • Policy maker collaboration across Europe
  • Cluster Manager collaboration

The pilot actions will run from September 2017 for 12 months and are open to cluster manager and regional policy makers across Europe to become actively involved.  Activities will include face to face meetings, webinar and joint actions and have the ambition to become permanent activities across Europe.

The project will kick start pilot actions with an introductory webinar on September 6 at 1100 CEST and cluster managers are invited to register.  The webinar will present each pilot action and how clusters can become involved.

REGISTER HERE to attend the webinar and ClusterNanoRoad looks forward to working with cluster managers across Europe.  For full information on the ClusterNanoRoad project, please visit the project website at

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