Clusters support Smart Specialisation Thematic Platforms

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 16 February 2017

The experts of the Interreg Europe Research and Innovation Policy Learning Platform have prepared a policy brief highlighting the growing synergies between policies supporting smart specialisation policy implementation and cluster policy development. It focuses on the interactions between clusters and the Smart Specialisation Thematic Platform for Industrial Modernisation, and the way in which this cooperation can drive interregional cooperation based on matching regional “smart specialisation priorities” that can also be integrated into Interreg Europe initiatives. 

It also identifies possible cluster funding and labelling solutions, such as that offered by DG GROW/COSME and notably the forthcoming European Strategic Cluster Partnership-S3 call, that can be used to accelerate and facilitate the implication of clusters in delivering regional growth and investment priorities.  The types of initiatives currently being launched can provide inspiration for IE projects and offer interesting learning opportunities.   

Please fin attached the Policy Brief.

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms are here to stimulate knowledge exchange. The projects of the same family will be encouraged to learn from each other. To fine-tune the services and products of the platforms to the user needs, we encourage you to share your ideas with Andrea Di Anselmo, a.dianselmo [at] (a[dot]dianselmo[at]policylearning[dot]eu), Thematic Manager for Research and Innovation.

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