CLUSTERS3 - Call for Peer Reviewers

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 30 November 2016

In the framework of the Interreg Europe project CLUSTERS3 "Leveraging Cluster Policies for successful implementation of RIS3", TCI is looking for best offers from experts in the field of cluster policy and smart specialization (reviewers) to carry out peer review exercises.

They will be organized and hosted by 6 of the project partner regions: Basque Country (ES), Hadjú-Bihar (HU), Highland and Islands (UK), Latvia (LV), Lubelskie (PL) and Northern Ireland (UK) with the support of TCI Network as advisory partner.

The peer reviews aim to complement, with the qualitative feedback from international experts, the self-assessment process undertaken by each partner region as part of their learning process in the phase 1 (first two years) of the CLUSTERS3 project.

Interested international experts are requested through this call to send a personal tender with the following information:

  1. Detailed background and experience.
  2. Technical offer.
  3. Economic offer.

Please download the full Call for Experts for Peer Reviews for detailed information on the call, selection criteria and financial conditions.

Deadline to submit your tender is 13 January 2017.

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