Creating mature interregional investment projects under the S3P-Industry

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 18 February 2020

Technical Assistance Facility for Industrial Modernisation and Investment (TAF) - regional workshop

We wish to inform you about the upcoming TAF workshop “Creating mature interregional investment projects under the S3P-Industry” which will take place on Tuesday 24 March 2020 in Rotterdam. Following the successful TAF workshops in 2019, the purpose of the full-day 24 March workshop will be to further build the viability of investment projects emerging from and or linked to the Smart Specialisation Platform, and their underlying business plans. The workshop will also support project managers in preparing strong TAF applications. It is therefore crucial that persons within partnerships or linked to partnerships are present, that will (be able to) lead the development of concrete investment projects. Thus, please share this message and inform individual project leaders within your partnerships or clusters of this opportunity. Also very welcome are cluster managers and related industry stakeholders aiming to develop interregional investment projects under the S3P-Industry.

The workshop will be split into a number of sessions to tailor for the varying needs of projects addressing aspects such as building commercially-aligned project consortia, validating market demand, moving from a unique value proposition towards revenue generation and leveraging the advantages of an interregional consortium. As for the last workshop, there will be a tailored session on improving your project idea; the aim will be to ensure that all participants benefit equally from the experience, whether their projects are at an earlier stage, or are more advanced.

The agenda for the workshop is attached. To participate in the workshop, please register by filling in this form no later than Friday 28 February. If you wish to learn more about TAF, please visit:

If you have any immediate questions, please contact the TAF team at: taf [at] (taf[at]ecorys[dot]com)  

The Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) scheme provides free-of-charge expert advice to eligible interregional investment projects generated through the Smart Specialisation Platform the aim of helping project managers overcome obstacles on the path to the achievement of investment readiness.’

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TAF Workshop Rotterdam - Agenda.pdf 297.81 KB
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