CSKC is an institutional partner of an upcoming conference
Cluster Sofia Knowledge City is an institutional partner of "DIGITAL SOFIA - THE SMART CITY: RESPONSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR INTELLIGENT GROWTH", a conference organized by Sofia Municipality (SO), Sofia Municipal Agency for Privatizations and Investments (SOAPI) and Foundation " Digital Bulgaria" as part of WEBIT IMPACT FORUM - Summer Edition.
The conference will be held on June 28, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. in Hall 3.2 of the National Palace of Culture, Sofia as a parallel event and part of the Webit Impact Forum 2023.
The following tasks of the conference are set up:
- To create conditions for more companies from the ICT ecosystem to participate in the digital transformation of Sofia;
- To accelerate the use of electronic and technological services provided by the administration and business among citizens;
- To promote the innovation ecosystem by means of financial mechanisms, investor networks and providing opportunities for the application of innovations in an urban environment;
- To inform citizens and stakeholders about the status of local e-governance and the possibilities of creating a smart city.
Two panels will be held within the conference:
1. The Municipality speaks: Digital transformation of Sofia as a smart city;
2. Business Speaks: Scalable innovative business solutions in an urban environment for a "smarter" life;
It is expected that more than 300 representatives from ministries, municipal administration, municipal enterprises, municipal councilors, regional mayors, deputy mayors of key departments, guests from other municipalities, state regulatory bodies, representatives of the ICT sector, telecoms, investors, the financial, academic and business community.
This year's event is supported by A1, Huawei, Evrotrust, Syscom, Telelink, Theoremus, TrafficX, Clico and others.